Nothing Left Unsaid
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My Dad passed away in 1994, but left an indelible impression upon everyone he met. I remember that he spoke of Christ in a way that I hadn't heard others speak of Him. He was familiar with Him. He had a living, breathing, growing relationship with Jesus.
Many other people that I met as a boy had religion or church, but my Dad had been given a new life about which he was thrilled, and he would tell you so.
My Dad was strong, yet gentle. He was easy-going, but deep. He was simple, but profoundly wise.
My Dad and I were aware of it when we had our last conversation before his passing. He had told me that it was imminent, and so we shared our love with one another one more time.
I remember that at one point during the conversation there was a pause, and I had a dramatic revelation. There was a pause because my Dad and I had spoken all the words that we were supposed to speak to each other in this life.
What a gift I was given in that regard. There was nothing left unsaid or undone between my Dad and I. It was all out there, spoken, shared, experienced. I miss him. But I have never felt that there was something that I wish I could go back and say to him. And I realize that this is a tremendous blessing from God.
So we paused, knowing that the end of the words had come, and our parting was at hand. And then he spoke his last words to me. I knew they would be the last words of a life unrivaled in my eyes, words with which he specifically wanted to leave me.
"Son?," he said.
"Yes, Dad?"
"Walk with Jesus, son."
"I will, Dad."
"I'll see you there, son."
And so concluded all the words.
My Dad had told me while he was still living that if I was to ever wonder how I could best honor his memory, that it would be by seeking to live the things that he had taught me.
I'm giving it my best, Dad.
I'll see you there.
When I was spiritually weak, and lost, and afraid and unable, my Dad carried me, just like the Dad in this video.
Labels: a new life, by or about children, family, inspirational, Jesus
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