Where The Streets Have No Name
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~One of our nameless, faceless friends recently made us aware of this video of the U2 song Where The Streets Have No Name. In doing so, they share:
"This is by far my favorite video of all time. If you are not familiar with this, it is a portion of the half time show at the 2002 Super Bowl four months after 911. Five years later it still brings a shiver up my spine and a lump to my throat."
We concur, and believe that you will, too.
How precious a gift now and at the time it was first shared, when believers and unbelievers alike were searching their hearts as to how to respond to such unspeakable horror as that which took place on September 11, 2001.
In the midst of loss, God has a wondrous way of manifesting Himself more than ever before. "When one of us dies," my young son once told me, "two more of us will step forward as never before."
How precious a gift this song is, then, when so many more than one of us had died.
How precious a gift from God that through it He would lovingly draw our eyes away from the sometimes disturbing episodes in our Journey and point us back to the superceding wonder of our Destination.
Oh, what a joy it will be to see the streets of New Jerusalem, glorious and pure. The Streets With No Name.
Thank You, Father, for replacing unspeakable horror with Your unspeakable gift.
Click on the arrow in the middle of the screen below to play the video of U2's Where The Streets Have No Name.
Labels: Finding Love in the Journey, finding Peace in the Journey, inspirational, music, U2
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