A Relationship With Them
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In my dream, I was standing in the expansive lobby of an enormous office building in a major U.S. city.
It was night time, and the office building was closed and deserted except for a small group of people standing in the darkened lobby, of whom I was one.
There were no street lights outside the building, and there was a very pale, barely visible blue light on the inside of the building. The building's windows which were facing the street were 20-30 feet wide and 30-40 feet tall. In the middle of this span of windows was one that would slide open to a width of 10-15 feet to provide the entrance to the building. It was closed and secured.
Although I could not see them, I heard a small group of people around me talking about something. Somehow, I knew that they were professing Christians. As I listened to them speak, I sensed a fearful, strident tone to their voices. They were speaking over one another and the focus of their conversation, I realized, was a small group of men who were standing in the darkness just outside of the front windows of the building.
There were 8 or 9 men, shadowy figures milling about nervously near the secured front entrance. I heard the people with me say that these men were "menacing," and they wanted to do something about them.
At that moment, I looked down and saw a sledgehammer in my hands. It was different, though, in that the sledgehammer was made completely out of wood. The head was wood as well as the handle.
Now stirred up and apprehensive from having listened to the incessant speaking of the small group of people with whom I was standing, I joined them as we - with hearts pounding - proceeded to slowly cross the lobby of the building and approach the sliding front door. We were "going to do something about these men."
Suddenly, as we were approaching the sliding front door, it unexpectedly opened to a width of just 4 or 5 feet. The group of people with whom I was advancing froze in fear, not knowing what would happen next, and fearing what the men outside might do now that the door was open.
As we stood staring at the men outside, they hesistantly - one by one - slowly and fearfully approached the small opening in the sliding door and gently tossed a bouquet of roses on the floor of the lobby, just inside the opening of the door. One by one they came, dropped their flowers on the floor, and then retreated back to the dimness.
That was my dream.
I asked our Lord what the dream meant, and this is what He told me:
The lobby of the office building was the Church at large. The people there with me were, as I had suspected, those who professed to be Christians.
Our Lord drew my attention to the great darkness outside of the building (the Church), and to the fact that the light (the dim blue light) inside of the building (Church) was barely more light than the darkness outside of it.
He then spoke of the sledgehammer - made completely out of wood - that I had seen in my hands. "There were other weapons in the hands of those with you that you did not see in the dream," He said. "These weapons were made of hay and stubble." I knew that our Lord was referring to 1 Corinthians 3:10(b)-13, which says:
But each one should be careful how he builds.
For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.
If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw,
his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work.
I asked our Lord, "But who were the men that we feared so much in the dream, and why were they tossing bouquets of roses on the floor for us?"
Our Lord said that the men were homosexuals, and that they were throwing bouquets on the floor because they wanted the love of the people in the Church at large. And then He spoke words that He wanted me to share with me and with everyone in that Church at large, words that broke my heart.
"They want a relationship with you, more than you want a relationship with them."
Labels: The Church, the Harvest, the least of His brethren
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