Parts of the Whole
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It is nothing like we initially thought it would be, is it? It is not as we were taught, but it is exactly as God's Word tells us.
It is not something that we can grasp at once. He must use His Word to lead us as a lamp unto our feet so that we may take one step at a time.
It is not something that we were ready for. It is something that He has been and will continue to prepare us for as we continue to listen and obey in spite of the seeming "foolishness" of it all.
We have seen parts, and parts of the whole. Others have seen other parts, and other parts of the whole. We each have a piece, and if we humbly recognize that and come together to ask God to fit those pieces together as He sees them, we will become a living component of the heart of God for this day.
As we have seen what He has shown us, our hearts have come to begin beating with His. As we come together with parts of the whole that sometimes seem radically different from one another and ask Him to converge what He has given each of us, our hearts will all begin to beat as one.
A school of fish, a flock of birds. Moving as one. Not identical to one another, but formed in His image, and one with Him and each other like never before.
This thing of the seemingly different parts of the whole that exist is an important issue for us all to prayerfully consider in this season.
If we agreed to meet one another in Dallas, Texas, and one came from Louisiana and the other from New Mexico, we would come with different visions of our arrival and, thus, of the whole.
The one who came from the east might say, "Did you see the beautiful skyline of Dallas majestically jutting into the sky?"
The other would respond, "What do you mean? I saw no majestic skyline. I saw the endless corrals of plenty, filled with cattle to feed the world."
Differing parts of the whole, but accurately representative of the whole.
We can't see the whole. Now we see in part. But as we come together, respecting God and one another in understanding the spiritual principle behind the example above, we will see Him reveal "a whole" that individual eye has not seen, nor exclusive ear heard, nor single heart of man fully imagined.
Labels: a new life, finding Oneness In The Journey, finding Truth in the Journey, House Churches, The Church, The Institutional Church
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