Nameless, Faceless Love

Venturing out from behind our Four Walls to a place at first unfamiliar to us, we found our Saviour waiting among the lost, inviting us to join Him in the Journey.
We offer no names and no faces.
Only His.
Nameless, Faceless Love.

Nameless, Faceless Love's authors live on every populated continent of the world, remaining nameless and faceless so that God might receive any and all of the glory.

Monday, August 20, 2007



My Daddy and I went out to the paddocks where the horses were. I loved watching horses. Even at that young age, I was taken aback by their beauty. I loved to watch them running free. I loved to watch them with a rider with whom they were comfortable.

There were several riders out that day running with their horses. “See over there?” my Daddy said, pointing to a beautiful quarter horse and its rider. “See how the rider needs to pull pretty hard to get the horse to turn?” I nodded.

“Look over there,” he continued, pointing to the most beautiful thoroughbred horse I had ever seen in my life. You could see its strength as it ran, it muscles rippling as he strode. It was so much bigger and stronger than the quarter horse.

“Do you see how the thoroughbred horse turns when the rider lays his reins on the side of his neck?” my Daddy asked. I didn’t answer and watched for a while. It was true. The rider barely laid his rein on the horse’s neck and the horse turned.

“Every day they come out here to practice, and the horse gets better and better at moving with his rider. Even though it’s a stronger horse and could do whatever he wanted to do,” my Daddy said, “it learns to turn when he first feels the direction of his rider. That’s the mark of a great horse, a thoroughbred.”

I continued to watch the beautiful dance between the thoroughbred and its rider for a while longer, and then my Daddy said, “That’s the way we need to respond to our Lord Jesus when He directs us. We should move with Him the first time we feel Him directing us to change our course. That’s the mark of a faithful child of God, a disciple.”

To this day, when I see a thoroughbred and its rider dancing that dance, I am reminded of the dance that we and our Heavenly Father dance every day. Ever so gently, he directs us to move with Him as one. Every day, we have opportunity to learn how to do that better as we dance the dance together with Him.

We are caught up in the wonder of that dance, solely focused upon Him and His loving touch as we move together.

But somewhere, over at the edge of our lives, there is someone standing and watching.

Somewhere, over at the edge of our lives, a little child is gazing as we are learning to dance that dance with our Heavenly Father, as their own Daddy says, “You see over there?”


Click on the arrow in the middle of the video screen to watch a wonderful music / video clip about horses and their riders.

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